Nobody said finding an apartment was easy -- until now.
Find a roommate, then find a place. It's easier than ever, on ROOM8.
ROOM8 is the fastest, easiest way to find people you’ll love to live with. Team up, snag an apartment, and start living it up! Whether you’re looking for a single room or 2+ bedrooms, you’ll find more professionally managed listings with better amenities on ROOM8.
With an ever-expanding network of users who you can match with based on your interests, budget, and more, you'll have no shortage of potential roommates to chat with. Once you find the right fit, tackle your apartment search together. We have listings all over the US and are adding more daily.
No subscriptions and no fees -- just the most fun you've ever had finding roommates and apartments.
With ROOM8 you can...
» Find the right roommate. Discovering that you're not on the same page with someone sucks. Discovering it after you’ve moved in together sucks more.
» Save time. Sign in with your Facebook or LinkedIn account and start searching.
» Feel safe and secure. Access our curated selection of properties and contact landlords directly.
» Stay connected. Keep your roommate chats and apartment photos all in one place, and get assistance from a real ROOM8 team member when you need it, all within the app.
Love using ROOM8? Rate us! Your feedback helps us continue to improve the services we offer our amazing users.
没有人说找到公寓很容易 - 直到现在。
没有订阅和免费 - 只是你找到室友和公寓最有趣的。
“ 省时间。使用您的Facebook或LinkedIn帐户登录并开始搜索。
“ 保持联系。将您的室友聊天和公寓照片集中在一个地方,并在您需要时从真正的ROOM8团队成员获得帮助,所有这些都在应用程序内。